Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Texas State Govt. 2306 Study notes, Question given on...

STATE GOVERNMENT (TEXAS) 2306 TEST QUESTIONS CHAPTERS 2-4 These Question are taken directly from a test given to my sophomore class at a Texas AM university. I hope that since the Professor is not listed it will discourage cheating, but still help studiers. Class Books: Texas Politics Individuals Making a Difference (and a reading book labeled Texas Politics pairs with above book) TEST 2-4 States are classified as megastates based on which on the following: -population, urbanization, and gross state product. The provisions of the Treaty of Velasco include the following: -the withdrawal of armed Mexican forces from Texas, recognition of Texas as independent of Mexico, and vast territorial claims made by Texas. The following†¦show more content†¦These activities are: -unfunded mandates Suppose that a factory in Texas causes pollution in parts of Louisiana. What term would be used to describe this effect: -a spill over effect The follow could be part of the Iron Triangle: -interest group representatives, congressional committees, and agency officials How does Texas rank in population size compared to the other 49 states: -Texas is the second-largest state in terms of population What are examples of vertical intergovernmental relationships: -the relationship between a city and state government, the relationship between a city and the nation government, and the relationship between state and national government. The residents of Hickory Creek, Texas become involved in trying to prevent construction of this type of facility: -a sports facility (soccer) The residents of Hickory Creek, opposed the construction of the Blue Sky facility for what reasons: -They had environmental concerns Local governments include the following: -municipalities, school districts, and airport authorities Loving county, the smallest county in Texas has how many county commissioners: -four Texas has how many counties: -two-hundred- fifty-four How are county commissioners chosen: They are elected from single member districts County Commissioners Court is made up of : -The four county commissioners and the county judge The chief law enforcement officer in a county

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